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    Monday 26 May 2008

    Cheese Rolling In Gloucestershire

    I endured perhaps the worst weather conditions I'd ever faced photographing an event to capture the crazy annual cheese rolling event which takes place in Gloucestershire. The rain was lashing down heavily and despite a waterproof coat, I ended up soaked to the bone along with my cameras. It was worth it though to see the races involving people chasing down a block of double Gloucester cheese down an incredibly steep 200 meter hill. Injuries are commonplace as participants inevitably fall and crash their way to the bottom in pursuit of the cheese.
    The winner or their event, (one of whom is pictured in the third from top photo), wins the cheese and goes down in the folk law of this event which is said to date back hundreds of years.

    1 comment:

    1. You were out in the rain, just for this? Man, I had a job at the Barbican, and I decided to stay put at home!! :-)

      Nice pixs, though..
