On the final day, having just watched the FA Cup final, I came across quite a sight on the beach front by Brighton pier in the form of a naked man taped to a lamp post. To make it worse, he was surrounded by hundreds of spectators during this hugely busy period on a Saturday evening. (Bottom photo). He was eventually released by his so called friends, who had watched him ridiculed for an hour or so from afar.
Music wise, the best act I shot were Lightspeed Champion (top photo), although Crystal Castles (second from top photo) have an insane live show, with the lead singer spending nearly all her time jumping in the crowd, accompanied by frenzied strobe lighting.
I also caught New Zealand group Cut Off Your Hands and north London youngsters Bombay Bicycle Club, who although good, proved slightly disappointing in that they hadn't developed their sound or live act much since when I saw them over a year ago.